TELLING I çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ TELLING ABOUT THE SCENE ² Written by:Excel/Mad Elks ¹ Imagine this: You'r sitting as usual infront of your computer when your grandmother, grandfather or anyone of your relatives or friends walks into your room. He/she watches you painting, composing, coding or whatever you'r doing. After a minute or two he/she asks you: - What are you doing? Well you probably tell he/she that you'r painting (or whatever). - Well, that sounds nice. Well, that went just fine! But after a hour or two you'r watching a demo. And then your grandmother (lets say that the person is your grandma'.) steps into your room. After a minute or two she asks: - What's this?? Gulp, What should I say now?? - Well..... It's a demo... - A demo?? what's that? - The thing you see on the screen.. - Yes, but can you use it to anything? - Hrhmmmm... no.. not really... - Is these all demos?? She looks into your diskboxes full with demos!! - Well, yes... - It looks like a couple of hundreds disks... Now the situation is really embarrassing.... I bet that you've been in this situation atleast once! You have to admit that it isn't so easy to tell about the scene. I once had a lecture about the scene in school. I told them about: Groups, the scene, coding, painting, swapping, bbs's, ¶diskmags and so on. I even showed them a video with: 3D demo II, state of art and so on. But they didn't get it. When the lecture was almost over I let the class ask questions. The first one I got was: - Have you been hacking Penthagon? - Ehh? NOOO!! Didn't you guys listen? The second one came from my teacher: - How many hours do you spend every day infront of your computer? - (Gulp!) Well, almost 6 hours a day.. - SIX HOURS A DAY?? She almost screamed!!! Well, not on school days I hope? - Well... yes.. She looked VERY confused!! - Well, I'm sure that you LOVE your computer!? - A bit maybe.... You see that they can't understand our passion. Well, look at it from their view: We are a bit strange becuase we're spending very much time and money on a computer!!! They probably think that it's just a computer they can see on news on television, a black screen with many gren numbers.. And try to explain the handles we're using..... Well, some guys I've been speaking with understood me, but they still think it's silly. It's not easy as you can see.. Anybody out there who has some hints for us others? Thanks for reading! ³ - Excel/Mad Elks